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Unhealthy feeding habit result when food choice is poor, when the food is not balanced, adequate and nutritious. Over a period of time, it affect the health of such family members.


  1. Marasmus: Severe malnutrition caused by insufficient intake of protein and calories. The person becomes very lean.
  2. Kwashiorkor: It occur when there is insufficient protein in the diet. It is symptoms are edema, enlarged liver, irritability.
  3. Obesity: The person becomes over weight, and this can lead to other diseases like heart failure, hypertension etc.
  4. Diabetes: Excessive intake of sugar and sweetened drinks and food without adequate exercise can lead to diabetes.
  5. It generally results in poor nutrient-to-calorie ration which leads to weight gain and malnutrition as well as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and heart disease.
  6. It reduces body immunity and the capacity of the body to fight infection and heal itself.
  7. Weakness, tiredness and fatigue may result.
  8. Loss of vigour, pale colour and poor body shape.
  9. Poor resistance to disease due to poor health is observed.
  10. Anaemia and bone disease may result.
  11. Heart diseases.
  12. Binth defect due to insufficient vitamins and nutrients in the womb.
  13. High blood pressure may develop.


        This means not to conform to traditional standards of acceptable behaviour while eating or dining. Unhealthy eating habits or bad table manners involves.

  1. Under-eating; rushing food, over-eating, not chewing food properly before swallowing.
  2. Putting too much into the mouth.
  3. Talking with food in the mouth.
  4. Improper use of cutlery.
  5. Drinking too much water while eating.
  6. Stretching one’s hand over some one’s food on the table.
  7. Serving oneself greedily without considerating others.
  8. Coughing or belching without covering one’s mouth.
  9. Not washing hand before or after eating food
  10. Using a knife to put food in the mouth
  11. Opening one’s mouth while chewing.
  12. Talking too much while eating and over eating.
  13. Drinking too much water while eating dilutes the digestive enzymes, cause indigestion and developing of belly-pot.

Effects of unhealthy eating habits or bad table manner

  1. Not washing hands properly before and after eating can cause infection like diarrhea, dysentery and other communicable disease.
  2. It can cause stomach-ache like rushing food, over-eating, not chewing  food properly.
  3. It causes indigestion and heart-burn if not chewing food properly, drinking too much water while eating, over eating.
  4. Talking with food in the mouth causes choking or coughing.
  5. It can cause injury or wound by using a knife to put food in the mouth.
  6. Quarrels, hatred and loss of respect can occur as a result of coughing without covering the mouth, opening mouth while chewing, serving  greedily and serving without considering others.
  7. Obesity and diabetes because of over-eating more sugar or sweetened food or drinks.
  8. Accumulation of belly-pot as a result of taking too much water while eating and indigestion of food.
  9. Contamination of food if eating directly from the dish or stretching hand over someone’s food on the table.


1. What is unhealthy feeding habit?

2. What is unhealthy table manner?

3. List six effects of unhealthy feeding habit.

4. Give four effects of bad table manner.


Home Economics

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